JAG Convicts Operation Warp Speed Architect

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JAG Convicts Operation Warp Speed Architect. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted Operation Warp Speed architect Moncef Slaoui on charges of treason and mass murder and sentenced him to hang by the neck until dead.

In an opening statement, Slaoui’s attorney, Omar Akbar of a prestigious D.C. law firm, demanded that JAG dismiss without prejudice all charges against his client because, he said, JAG was running an “illegal, secessionist judicial system” and had no authority over civilians. Evidence against Slaoui, he shouted, ought to be deemed inadmissible “poisonous fruit” and discarded. He described Slaoui as an upstanding member of the scientific community whose achievements and accolades over decades of public service saved countless lives. Moreover, he threatened JAG with a class action lawsuit, saying it would pay dearly for incarcerating or “murdering” innocent people like Moncef Slaoui and accusing JAG of taking instructions from President Trump. He called Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall “corrupt,” “fraudulent,” and “shady” and said the admiral would face retribution for his crimes “in this life or the next.”

It should be noted that Akbar had visited GITMO in the past. In 2007, he defended David Hicks, an Australian who attended al-Qaeda’s Al Farouq training camp in Afghanistan, and met with Osama bin Laden in 2001. Hicks consented to a plea bargain in which he pleaded guilty to charges of providing material support for terrorism by the United States Guantanamo military commission under the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Hicks received a suspended sentence and returned to Australia. The conviction was overturned by the U.S. Court of Military Commission Review in February 2015, per Barack Hussein Obama’s instructions.

“You, Admiral Crandall, should be on trial,” Akbar said.

“We know who you are, counsel, and you should know that Obama no longer holds sway over JAG or the Office of Military Commissions. I’ve seen theatrics greater than yours, and evidence will be shown here today, so please sit beside your client,” Adm. Crandall said.

Akbar patted Slaoui on the shoulder. “I’ll handle this,” he said. “Admiral, we will not be bullied. My client has rights.”

“Your client is a detainee who stands accused of treason. He has no rights unless acquitted. You can either respect this tribunal, or we will remove you,” Adm. Crandall said.

The admiral showed the three officers impaneled to weigh JAG’s evidence documents Slaoui authored in June 2020, a month after President Trump announced the Warp Speed initiative. “We have Mr. Trump where we want him. He is endorsing and promoting Operation Warp Speed. He doesn’t know anything about the vaccines and will listen to us as long as we stick together,” Slaoui wrote in an email to Michael Pence and then-HHS Director Alex Azar.

In another email, Slaoui wrote to the now-dead Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, “Good job getting Mr. Trump to embrace Operation Warp Speed. We have him in the dark.”

The admiral showed the panel a document of attestation in which both U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Cyberspace Command verified that the emails originated from Slaoui’s personal Gmail account.

Admiral Crandall said Slaoui had a balanced relationship with the Deep State and vaccine manufacturers. Slaoui touted the clot shots, which, in turn, drove massive profits into the pockets of pharmaceutical manufacturers who kicked back cash to him and other devious doctors that peddled the Deep State’s poison.

“They worked in unison,” the admiral told the panel. “Detainee Slaoui was paid millions for his role, at least $56m that we know of, even though he had access to trial data proving the vaccines, and it pains me to call them that, sickened, blinded, and killed trial participants, guinea pigs.”

Admiral Crandall displayed financial statements showing that Slaoui got paid a ton of money between April-December 2020–$17m in 12 payouts courtesy of Moderna; $22m in 16 payments from Pfizer; and $17m from Johnson & Johnson. The admiral also presented incriminating documents U.S. Army Cyber Command had siphoned from Slaoui’s electronic devices.

“So you understand what you’re looking at here,” he addressed the panel, “these are Moderna’s internal reports on side effects the human guinea pigs suffered in June 2020 as Moderna ramped up Phase II trials. Six hundred vaxxed, 34 dead. Detainee Slaoui received these data in July of that year. He knew unequivocally that vaccines were unsafe, but that didn’t stop him from going full steam ahead with Warp Speed. He had a legal and ethical obligation to disseminate the truth to President Trump, to the public.”

Akbar objected, saying his client’s monies were “consulting fees” and that Slaoui had never seen the adverse side effect report.

“Paid $56m for consultations? Never saw the report pulled off his laptop. Is that what you expect this panel to believe?” the admiral asked.

“Frankly, neither I nor my client care what you and your panel believe. This is a circus, and you are the clowns,” Akbar said.

Admiral Crandall asked the panel to judiciously weigh JAG’s evidence against Slaoui, and five seconds later, it returned a unanimous verdict: guilty.

Akbar got to his feet, accosting the admiral: “We do not recognize the authority of this court or you, Admiral Crandall. The very nature of these proceedings precludes the possibility of a fair trial. You and your panel are corrupt.”

His recusancy irritated Admiral Crandall. “The verdict stands. And, Mr. Akbar, I strongly advise you to avoid showing up here again. The next time you do, it might not be as a lawyer.”

As the admiral spoke, Akbar told Slaoui not to fret because he intended to file an appeal.

“I don’t know who you’ll appeal to,” Admiral Crandall said, “but you better snap to it—your client hangs on Monday.”

He set the date of execution for Monday, March 27.

JAG Convicts Operation Warp Speed Architect
