AG Arrests Ex-Twitter Lawyer and Dishonored DOJ Stooge James Baker. JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested ex-Twitter lawyer and former FBI General Counsel James Baker on charges of treason, seditious conspiracy, aiding and abetting the enemy, bribery, and blackmail, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
The arrest came a day after Twitter’s new CEO Elon Musk, who calls himself a free speech absolutist, fired Baker for having vetted what Twitter Files—a reference to the company’s efforts to suppress and squash Tweets related to Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop—were shared with journalist Matt Taibbi without first consulting Musk. Musk said Baker was part of Twitter’s “Deep State.”
“Baker is deeper than Deep State,” a JAG source told RRN. “This dude’s the Mariana Trench of the Deep State.”
Investigators had eyes on Baker when two burly Twitter security guards ejected him from the bird’s San Francisco Headquarters, a 480,000 square feet Art Deco building that once belonged to Furniture Mart. They had hoped to grab Baker immediately, but Baker, as he strolled off Twitter’s property, was quickly encircled by the gaggle of spurned Leftist protesters whom Musk had terminated in the aftermath of his historic takeover. The liberal flock sympathized with Baker, and they chanted “unlawful termination. Cancel Elon” in the air.
That evening, investigators followed Baker and two unidentified females across the San Francisco scene: the trio dined at a posh restaurant, visited two bars, stopped in a comedy club, and eventually travelled by UBER to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and booked, presumably, a single room.
JAG sources later said the women wore hip-hugging gowns and appeared to be in their mid-20s.
Since the trio travelled by rideshare, investigators had no car to stake out, so they surveilled the front entrance, sleeping in shifts throughout the night. They were determined to isolate Baker before making an arrest. An opportunity arose 5:30 a.m. Wednesday morning as Baker, sans company, departed the hotel and sauntered toward California Street. He’d travelled only a hundred yards or so before investigators pulled alongside him; one investigator leapt out and, in a blur of motion, quickly subdued, frisked, and cuffed Baker, then pushed him in the rear seat.
“Hopefully Baker had a fun night with his companions at the Ritz-Carlton. He won’t find the amenities at Hotel GITMO so accommodating,” our source said.
He was unwilling to expound on the charges Baker will face when he stands before a military tribunal but said Baker’s arrest was “partly” connected to Twitter’s data dump. Elon Musk, he added, unknowingly helped JAG cement its case against Baker.
AG Arrests Ex-Twitter Lawyer and Dishonored DOJ Stooge James Baker